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Create Your Adult Nuv Yug ID

Only adults born in or before March 2007 may register on this page. If you are a parent and need to register your child, you need to first create an Adult Nuv Yug ID for yourself. Then log on using your Adult Nuv Yug ID to add children to your account. DO NOT use this page to register your child.

Create only one Nuv Yug ID per person! Your child is also a person!

Parents of Children dancing at India Fest, read this first! And then follow Steps 1 to 3.

Choose your Nuv Yug ID:
Firstname: Lastname:
Birth Month and Year: Must be born in or before March 2007.
E-Mail Address:
Verify E-Mail Address:
Phone Number:
City, State, Zip:
How did you hear about us? Select an option or
To specify your own choice, check here:
Enter the number displayed:

Privacy Policy: Nuv Yug uses your personal information to contact you regarding its programs and related community events only. Nuv Yug will never share or sell your contact information to any one for any reason except when complying with a request to share information with a law enforcement agency.

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Non-Discrimination Policy
Nuv Yug does not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, national origin, religion, age, marital status, any disability, sexual orientation or veteran status in its programs or employment.

Copyright © 2003-2025 Nuv Yug Cultural Organization, Raleigh, North Carolina