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Raleigh Admission

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Saathee Magazine

Information for auditions at Raleigh


9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Sunday, February 22, 2026


Online Auditions Only
YouTube link required

Auditions will be conducted via YouTube videos submitted by each group. DEADLINE: All groups are required to provide a YouTube link via their item registration details by 11:59 PM on Saturday, February 21, 2026..

IMPORTANT: Regular Audition Fee is $10 per person. The last date for regular Audition registration is Sunday, February 16. After that Late Audition Fee of $17 per person will apply.

On Sunday February 22, the Judges' panel will score all submitted items and the results will be available by the next day.

The Stage Performance Committee and judges from participating groups will evaluate each performance in area of Choreography, Song selection, Preparedness, Costumes, Props, etc.

Stage Performance Guidelines


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Nuv Yug does not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, national origin, religion, age, marital status, any disability, sexual orientation or veteran status in its programs or employment.

Copyright © 2003-2025 Nuv Yug Cultural Organization, Raleigh, North Carolina